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Resignation Letter

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Letter of Resignation Information:

So, you’ve found the perfect new job and it’s time to move on from your current position. It’s important to formally hand in your notice and to formally resign from your current position.

A letter of Resignation or a Resignation Letter gives your current employer notice that you will be leaving your current position and the date on which you will be resigning.

It is best to first sit down with your boss, either in person or via a video call, to let your boss know that you are moving on from your current position.  The resignation letter is then the formal step and helps create a paper trail that you are quitting.

The amount of time or notice that you will be giving for resigning will depend on what your employer’s handbook or employment agreement states as to this. Its important to provide the required amount of notice, as is needed, typically that’s two weeks’ notice. It is also a good idea to express your gratitude and wish your boss and the company well in the future.