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Release of Medical Records

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Medical Release Information

What is this Authorization used for?

An Authorization for Release of Medical Records is used when you want to request a copy of your medical records and information from a medical provider's office, such as from a doctor's office, a dentist's office, hospital or therapist etc.., to then be released to a third party. That third party can be yourself, another provider's office or anywhere else.

You can use the same release to send your information to more than one third party.

A medical release form is required due to the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act- better known as HIPAA. In accordance with HIPAA, when someone requests access to your medical records a consent or release must be on file. This is done in order to protect your health information from being improperly disclosed.

Setting Limitations:

When creating your Medical Release form, you can set the limits as to what specific information you want released and what you do not want to be released to the third party. In addition, you can also set a time or duration that the authorization is good for and after that end date the release will be invalidated.

Other Names:

The Authorization for Release of Medical Records is also referred to as a Medical Release Authorization, a Request for Medical Records or a Release of Medical Records.