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Employment Offer Letter

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Employment Offer Letter Information

What is and Employment Offer Letter?

An Employment Offer Letter is an offer of employment given to mid to low level employees. It contains the key terms and conditions of employment in a brief letter. It can be accepted (signed) by the employee and then returned to the employer. Once the Offer Letter is accepted the terms and conditions are binding on both parties.

The Employment Offer Letter is written by the employer and is usually less formal than an Employment Agreement. The Employment Agreement is generally used for more senior level employees where the terms and conditions are more complex.

An Offer Letter makes it easier and simpler to create new positions and creating a written record of the job offer with details as to the specific terms.

What Information is included in an Offer Letter?

The information typically included in an Employment Offer Letter includes the title of the position, whether the position is full-time or part-time, hours to be worked, expected duties, compensation and benefits, vacation time, and any conditions of employment, such as probationary period or mandatory drug testing.

Other names for Employment Offer Letter:

Offer Letter

Work Offer Letter

Related Documents:

Other documents that you may want to consider creating include: Employment Agreement, Employment Termination Letter, Resignation Letter and a Confidentiality Agreement.